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PowerBall & MegaMillions Tiers 1-3 are subject to 38% reduction as per T&Cs. Tier 1 winning bets are paid out as a 30 year annuity or discounted lump sum at Lottoland's election.
Payout Information
US Power & US Millions Tier 1 winning bets are paid out as a 30 year annuity or discounted lump sum at the player's election.
Prize Tier Information
Tiers 1-3 for winning bets are subject to 20% reduction as per T&C's.
EL Gordo (loteria bożonarodzeniowa)
Całkowita wartość nagród w loterii świątecznej wynosi we wszystkich 180 seriach ponad 10 mld zł.
Gdy dokonasz zakładu w Lottoland, masz szansę na:
Pierwsza pula nagród: 1,7 mld zł.
Druga pula nagród: 5 mln zł.
Trzecia pula nagród: 2 mln zł.
Oraz dodatkowe ponad 15 000 nagród, a szansa na wygranie to aż 1:7, co jest ewenementem w świecie loterii.
Prize pool breakdown
El Gordo de Verano
El Gordo de Verano features a prize pool of €120m (approx. £103m*), that is to say, the total cash up for grabs for all prizes.
When you bet with Lottoland, you’re in with a chance for:
First Prize: £1,77 million*
Second Prize: £530,000*
Third Prize: £177,000*
And a host of additional prizes up for grabs!
*subject to currency fluctuations
Prize Tier Information
Keno 24/7 Jackpot is determined on stake amount and the quantity of numbers selected.You can bet from as little as £1 on one number for a maximum prize of £3,or bet up to £10 on ten numbers for a maximum prize of £10 million.
Prize Tier Information
Kenow Jackpot is determined on stake amount and the quantity of numbers selected.You can bet from as little as £1 on one number for a maximum prize of £1.50,or bet up to £10 on ten numbers for a maximum prize of £1 million.
Prize Tier Information
Multi Keno Jackpot is determined on stake amount and the quantity of numbers selected.You can bet from as little as £1 on one number for a maximum prize of £0.84,or bet up to £10 on ten numbers for a maximum prize of £430,000*
(*subject to currency fluctuations).
Prize Tier Information
German Keno Jackpot is determined on stake amount and the quantity of numbers selected.You can bet from as little as £1 on TWO numbers for a maximum prize of £5.37,or bet up to £10.75 on ten numbers for a maximum prize of £830,000
(subject to currency fluctuations).
Prize pool breakdown
El Niño
First prize is €2,000,000 (approx. £1,800,000*),
2nd prize is €750,000 (approx. £680,000*)
3rd prize is €250,000 (approx. £230,000*).
If that wasn’t enough, there are another 37,000 awards up for grabs. That gives you a great 1-in-3 chance of landing a prize.